Romania Wants Maastricht Criteria Relaxed To Ease Access To EU Money

Romania wants to be treated equally as eurozone countries to have easier access to EU funds and will ask EU authorities to relax Maastricht criteria, President Traian Basescu said late Thursday.


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Romania Wants Maastricht Criteria Relaxed To Ease Access To EU Money

"I want to have a talk with the European Commission and see at the next European Council meeting to what extend we could relax Maastricht criteria during these difficult times. I don't want to offend anyone or point fingers, but there are several eurozone countries that right now don't meet Maastricht criteria," Basescu said.

The head of state added Romanian would like equal treatment to eurozone countries in terms of Maastricht criteria, which would ease the country's access to EU money.

Basescu explained Romania is faced with tough budget constraints because of Maastricht criteria, which endanger the country's plan of joining the eurozone by 2015 and make it hard for the country to get money from the EU or European Investment Bank because it has to bring in its own financial contribution.

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