Romania Wants To Double No. Of Foreign Tourists By 2015

Romania wants to double the number of foreign tourists that visit it by 2015 compared to the numbers recorder in 2010, according to the Tourism Ministry’s strategy presented Tuesday.


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Romania Wants To Double No. Of Foreign Tourists By 2015

According to the country's statistics institute, 1.343 million foreign tourists visited Romania last year, up 5.6% compared to 2009, while overnight stays stood at 2.75 million, 3.7% more than the previous year.

The country's marketing strategy for the tourism sector, created by Horvath HTL, targets bringing tourist numbers to 2.5 million by 2015.

Tourism Minister Elena Udrea told a news conference Tuesday she wants the marketing strategy, completed juts a few days ago, implemented as soon as possible.

"This is the first time Romania is promoted professionally. The marketing plan will tell us when, where and toward who we should direct our promotion actions," Udrea said.

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