Romania Won 27 Medals, Special Awards At Moscow Salon Of Innovations

Romania won 27 medals and special awards at the tenth edition of the Moscow International Salon of Innovations and Investments for the 20 inventions showcased by the National Authority for Scientific Research (ANCS).


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Romania Won 27 Medals, Special Awards At Moscow Salon Of Innovations

Romanian inventors won seven special awards, eight gold medals, nine silver medals and three bronze medals.

The gold was awarded to the Chemical-Pharmaceutical Research-Development National Institute for inventing a "Process to obtain a bio-product from selenium and chromium"; Corneliu Birtok Baneasa for "Dynamic air transfer device"; SC Hidroelectrica SA for "Automatic oiling apparatus"; Aurel Enache and Liviu Luca for "Process and apparatus to increase combustion energy produced by a natural combustible gas"; the Solid Mechanics Institute for "Method and device to operate and control inertial mobile robots"; the Sibiu "Lucian Blaga" University for "Device for the magnetic activation of electro-erosion processing with filiform electrode"; the Research Institute for Advanced Coatings SC ICAA SA for "Advanced nano-materials for the long-term protection of metal constructions"; SC Exinvent Rom SRL Craiova for "Apparatus for water energization and plant growth stimulation."

The tenth edition of the Moscow Salon was held between September 7 and 10 under the aegis of the Government of the Russian Federation. Romania first attended the Salon last year.

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