Romanian Agric Min To Lobby At EU For Lending Incentives To Farmers

Romania’s Agriculture Minister Valeriu Tabara on Friday said he plans to lobby at the European Union for credit incentives to farmers, arguing that lending is the most efficient way to develop Romania’s agriculture sector.


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Romanian Agric Min To Lobby At EU For Lending Incentives To Farmers

Tabara also said Friday, during the Mediafax talks about Romanian Agriculture seminar, that banks represent the best solution in times of crisis, even on the short term, adding he plans to develop ties with state-owned lender CEC Bank.

The minister added said the evaluation of projects submitted by farmers is not transparent and stressed he will do his utmost to render the entire project evaluation system transparent.

He also said Friday he will also lobby at the European Union for the setting up of a program to stimulate the land lease system, adding the program is meant to grant bonuses for the land lease period. He pointed out this system will allow the use of land plots owned by people who are not interested in farming.

The minister also spoke about the three million hectares of unfarmed land plots in Romania, which could also be exploited as renewable energy source. According to Tabara, Romania must not discard cereal farming, as it represents an investment for tomorrow.

"In the United States, 30% of corn production goes into renewable energy", said the minister.

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