Romanian AH1N1 Vaccines To Be Used On Children Starting Jan - Acting PM

Romanian children will be immunized against the AH1N1 virus using the vaccines which the Cantacuzino institute will produce early January, in a procedure in accordance with certified national standards, acting Prime Minister Emil Boc said Friday.


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Romanian AH1N1 Vaccines To Be Used On Children Starting Jan - Acting PM

Boc said the Government decided earlier not to import vaccine from producers which do not take responsibility for any potential side-effects.

The Health Ministry and Government have signed a memorandum for the purchase of 500,000 shots of pandemic vaccine for children between the ages of six months and six years from GlaxoSmithKline, state secretary Adrian Streinu-Cercel said last week.

Former Health Minister Ion Bazac on November 9 said Romania should not buy the AH1N1 flu vaccine for children, which was rejected by Poland, and that the Government should make the terms requested by the producer public.

In a press release on Thursday, GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) said the Pandemrix vaccine they produce is being used in 12 countries, more than half of the 22 which have become AH1N1 immunization campaigns, and over two million people have been inoculated so far. GSK added that Pandemrix has been produced following the World Health Organization's recommendations and regulations and has the approval of the European Medicine Agency.

Children between the ages of 6 months and 6 years may be inoculated as of 2010, when the Cantacuzino Institute will complete its tests and obtain authorization to market the product, Health Ministry official Amalia Canton said Friday.

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