Romanian Airline Op Blue Air To Add New Local Bucharest-Arad Flights

Romanian airline operator Blue Air will increase, on May 1, the frequency of flights on the route Bucharest-Arad, from five to six flights per week, due to an increase in demand on this destination, the company announced Friday.


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Romanian Airline Op Blue Air To Add New Local Bucharest-Arad Flights

Flights will be operated during the week, every day from Monday to Friday and on Sunday. The price of a round trip ticket starts at some EUR40, with airport taxes included.

The company recently announced it will increase the number of local flights. Blue Air also operates local flights from Bucharest to Timisoara and Cluj-Napoca.

The low-cost company, controlled by businessman Nelu Iordache, registered a turnover of some EUR140 million last year, below expectations, but up 12% on the turnover seen in 2008, due to the launch of new flights, the increase in the number of planes and the conclusion of several partnerships.

As for the load factor, the company registered an increase of some 50%, to 1.7 million people.

The company operates over 50 European routes, in 14 countries, and holds a fleet of 11 planes.

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