Romanian Airline Tarom Unionists To Strike On May 31
Employees of Romanian state-owned airline Tarom threatened to join the full-blown public sector strike on May 31 out of solidarity, but will maintain one third of the company’s operations active, Tarom union secretary general Aurel Curdov told MEDIAFAX Friday.
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The union leader said fellow members have begun to draw up lists of signatures in support of the strike. He added that the Tarom unionists will join the protest against the 25% wage cuts, together with member of other transport unions and public sector employees.
According to Curdov, one third of the company's operations will remain active on May 31, possibly including flights to Athens, Sofia and Chisinau. The final decision on upcoming protests will be taken Wednesday by the "Cartel Alfa" confederate commission, he added.
Recent expenditure cut announcements have sparked waves of social unrest and most social categories have been protesting in the street and calling on the government and president to resign.
Bucharest public transport authority RATB unionists said Friday they will go on strike on May 31 in solidarity with other public servants, and threaten to halt activity indefinitely if the Government chooses to lower their salaries.
Ion Popescu, president of the Meridian union federation, said Thursday, after talks with the Government, that railway unionists will halt trains and go on general strike starting May 31, in protest to the Executive's plan to cut wages by 25%. He added that subway network employees are considering the same course of action.
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