Romanian Ana Maria Branza Wins Olympic Epee Fencing Silver

Romanian Ana Maria Branza won Olympic silver in the epee fencing final after being defeated by German Britta Heidemann, 11-15.


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Romanian Ana Maria Branza Wins Olympic Epee Fencing Silver


This is Romania’s first silver medal in the Beijing Olympics after the gold medal won by judoka Alina Dumitru and two bronze medals won by Mihai Covaliu and women’s gymnasts team.

Branza won gold in epee fencing team and silver in individual epee fencing in this year’s European Fencing Championship in Kiev. She also won bronze in Lisbon World Championship in 2002 and three World Cup editions in Sankt-Petersburg (2008), Florina (2007) and Budapest (2006).

Branza said she did her best in the game against German Britta Heidemann, who fought like a man.

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