Bucharest City Electoral Office Concludes The Counting Of Votes

Publicat: 01 12. 2008, 19:23
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 09:09

According to the results of votes validly expressed for the Senate, the democrat liberals obtained 38.37%, the alliance formed of the social democrats and the conservatives obtained 34.82%, the liberals 15.52%, the New Generation Party 4.94 %, the Greater Romania Party 4.81%, the Green Party 0.86%, the Democratic Union of Magyars in Romania 0.44% and the People’s Party 0.16%.

According to results validly expressed for the Chamber of Deputies PDL obtained 37.55%, PSD-PC 33.42%, PNL15.84%, PNG 4.93%, PRM 4.12%, the Green Party 0.75%, independent candidate Lavinia Sandru 0.42%, the Democratic Union of Magyars in Romania 0.36%, the Union of Armenians in Romania 0.36%, the Federation of the Jewish Community in Romania 0.36%, the Rroma Party “Pro Europa” 0.29%, the Democratic Forum of Germans in Romania 0.21%, the People and Social Protection Party 0.13%, the Greek Union in Romania 0.10%, the Association of Macedonians in Romania 0.09%, the Association of Italians in Romania Ro.AS.IT 0.09%, the Union of Serbs in Romania 0.08%, the Association of Albanians in Romania 0.08%, the Union of Croations in Romania 0.07%, the Bulgarian Union in Banat Romania 0.07%, the Community of Lipovan Russians in Romania 0.05%, the Democratic Union of Muslim Turks in Romania 0.05%, the Union of Polish People in Romania 0.04%, the Turkish Democratic Union in Romania 0.04%, the Union of Ukrainians in Romania 0.03%, the Democratic Union of Slovaks and Czechs in Romania 0.03%, the Cultural Union of Rutens in Romania 0.03%, the European Romania Party 0.01%.
Independent candidate Marian Sorin Paveliu obtained 0.12% of votes, Cristina Filip obtained 0.07%, independent candidate Gheorghe Radulescu obtained 0.04%.