Romanian Authorities Will Investigate Sick Leave Claims, Fines To Double

Romanian authorities will check whether beneficiaries of sick leave are actually at home, while fines for illegally issued health certificates will be doubled, according to a Health Ministry draft ordinance.


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Romanian Authorities Will Investigate Sick Leave Claims, Fines To Double

Health Minister Cseke Attila signed Friday the draft ordinance amending Government Emergency Ordinance 158/2005 on sick leave and healthcare indemnities, the ministry announced in a press release. The goal is to reduce the number of people defrauding the sick leave system, so that they only those really in need of medical attention can take paid vacations.

The draft empowers authorities (those paying the sick leave indemnities - employers, national health insurance houses) to check whether the person taking time off for medical reasons is really in need of treatment, and whether the person is at home when not in hospital or another medical unit.

The act will also increase fines for the failure to abide by the law regarding sick leave. Unreasonably refusing to pay indemnities or incorrectly computing them will attract fines between 2,500 and 5,000 lei (EUR1=RON4.0987), double the previous amount. Doctors issuing illegal sick leave certificates will be fined RON5,000-RON10,000. National health insurance house officials will be responsible for checking the way these certificates are issued.

By applying these new provisions, the Health Ministry hopes to save up around RON142 million this year and more than RON189 million per year for the next 4 years.

The draft ordinance also stipulates that leave on grounds of tuberculosis, neoplasia, AIDS, pregnancy and childbed, caring for ill children, working hours reduction and quarantine, as well as maternal risk, will not diminish the number of sick leave days allotted for other illnesses.

The draft will be posted Friday on the Ministry's website for public debate and will be sent to the Romanian Doctors' College for consultations.

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