Romanian Automobile Dacia To Continue Production Of Euro 4 Vehicles Only For Foreign Mkts

Romanian carmaker Automobile Dacia, owned by French Renault Group, will continue to produce vehicles equipped with Euro 4 engines, but only for countries with no car pollution tax, Automobile Dacia general manager Jerome Olive told MEDIAFAX.


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Romanian Automobile Dacia To Continue Production Of Euro 4 Vehicles Only For Foreign Mkts

Olive said Dacia will produce only Euro 5 vehicles for the Romanian market, starting 2011, adding it will continue to produce Euro 4 vehicles for countries not levying car pollution taxes. Olive added Dacia is the European brand with the highest growth rate.

Algeria, Ukraine and Tunisia are among countries where Dacia exports its Euro 4 vehicles, considering that no car pollution tax is levied in these countries.

Speaking about the evolution of the Romanian auto market, Olive said a boost in local car sales entails a more viable policy needed to implement and correlate the program taxing exhaust emissions and the program renewing the country's car fleet.

Olive also said Renault is training Romanian employees for management positions and stressed he hopes a Romanian will take the helm of Automobile Dacia when his mandate is over.

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