Romanian President Hopes NATO Welcomes Albania, Croatia, Macedonia

Publicat: 01 04. 2008, 19:51
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 08:52
"As president of a country that believed in its Euro-Atlantic destiny and counted on solid support from allies, I have the moral duty to publicly express hope that in Bucharest the Alliance will open the door for all three candidates: Albania, Croatia and Macedonia," Basescu said.
Basescu said an agreement must be reached based on the individual progress of each of the three candidates, also considering the regional context, which undergoes constant change.
"I hope this meeting marks the passage to an upper step in NATO relations with these three states, whose efforts and aspirations should be better known and encouraged," the head of state said.
He added enlargement is not the only stimulant for other states to come closer to the Alliance.
Basescu said it is worth remembering that peace partnerships are essential for strengthened security and sustained reform.
"I am glad we shall get to meet with leaders in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia," Basescu said.
He added NATO has a duty to support its partners in the Balkans on the European and Euro-Atlantic path they have chosen. Basescu said NATO’s role in promoting regional security and stability continues to be essential for the Alliance, its partners and the overall regional balance.