Romanian Businessman Dinu Patriciu To Launch Macro Chain Next Week

Romanian businessman Dinu Patriciu on Thursday said he will launch next week the Macro store chain, after rebranding the miniMax Discount chain, which he bought in August 2010.


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Romanian Businessman Dinu Patriciu To Launch Macro Chain Next Week

Patriciu said in October 2010 that miniMax Discount would have a new brand and it would be repositioned, becoming a network of traditional stores. At that time he said the Macro network would include 150 units by the end of 2011. In December, the network had 44 units.

Patriciu's Mercadia Holland company holds the majority stakes in the networks Retail, Bet Cafe Arena and iLearn.

One year into activity, the chain had, at the end of April 2011, 460 units in 35 cities and towns nationwide. This year, the chain plans to launch units in another 23 cities.

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