Romanian Businessman, Former Dacia Felix VP Acquitted In Fraud Case

The court of law in Constanta, southern Romania, decided Wednesday evening to acquit businessman Sever Muresan and former vice-president of Dacia Felix bank, Mircea Hossu, in the case of Dacia Felix bank, in which they were charged with fraud and abuse in office.


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Romanian Businessman, Former Dacia Felix VP Acquitted In Fraud Case


The court ruled that the two accused have to pay to Bank Leumi Romania Bucuresti (former Eurom Bank S.A. Bucuresti, former Dacia Felix) 15,800,000 lei (EUR1=RON4.2637), $119,607,318 and of 10,000,000 Swiss francs and the RON equivalent of 2,757,830 French Franks at the time the French currency was removed from circulation.

Hossu is obligated to pay $2,330,509.

The court maintained the levy on the goods of the two accused.

The decision of the Constanta Court may be challenged within ten days.

According to the file, between 1993 and 1995, as president of a commercial company residing in Romania and abroad, and as member of the Management Board, Muresan obtained loans exceeding one billion lei. The official reason was the procurement of steel-concrete for export to the company Cadewel Investment Ltd., located in the Virgin Islands.

To cover the loans, Muresan allegedly agreed with Hossu to use fake financial-bank documents.

Muresan was tried together with Hossu on the same charges. Both were arrested in January 1997 and due to technicalities (a clerk forgot to sign some papers – e.n.), they were released in June, the same year.

The businessman returned to Romania in May 2008, after 11-months imprisonment in France. He was acquitted by the Lyon Court of Appeals on February 2008, in the case of an alleged deed of fiscal nature.

Former Dacia Felix bank vice president Mircea Horea Hossu was extradited to Romania from France on February 6, 2009, and was imprisoned in Rahova Penitentiary. Hossu, 54, was sentenced to a 10-year prison term for soliciting bribery.


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