Romanian Cab Drivers Protest In Front Of Bucharest Mayoralty

Over 200 taxi drivers gathered on Friday morning in front of the mayoralty of Romania’s capital city Bucharest asking that lawmakers renew their transportation licenses and that licenses be granted individually and not for taxi companies.

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Romanian Cab Drivers Protest In Front Of Bucharest Mayoralty

Taxi drivers ask, after the norms regulating the activity of taxi drivers became effective earlier this week, that stipulations of these norms be correctly enforced.

Bucharest general mayor Adriean Videanu talked about the conflicts of interpretation that sparked regarding the Law regulating taxi drivers’ activity. He said the norms were enforced after the deadline to make them public expired.

Videanu said during a press conference that 130 taxi drivers, who work on rented cars, will receive their transportation licenses and added that authorities are trying to find solutions in respect to the other taxi drivers.

Videanu said he is to meet with the representatives of taxi drivers on Friday afternoon to find solutions and solve their demands, especially for taxi drivers who are not affiliated to any taxi company.

The norms to apply Law no. 265/2007 came into force on Monday, after they were published in the Official Gazette.

Last week, the representatives of taxi drivers met with ministry officials from the Ministry of Interior, following a spontaneous half-hour protest attended by 200 drivers in front of the ministry building.

Taxi drivers asked that transportation licenses be given individually in an attempt to forbid taxi companies to pressure those drivers who have an individual car and are affiliated to the respective companies.


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