Romanian TV Stations Violating Personality Rights Fined RON60,000-200,000 – Bill

Publicat: 14 02. 2011, 19:34
Actualizat: 03 05. 2020, 09:31

The bill, put forward by democrat liberal deputies Raluca Turcan, Cezar Preda, Doinita Chircu and Brindusa Novac, makes significant changes to the fines the National Audiovisual Council (CAN) may give to radio and TV stations.

According to the bill, stations breaching the articles of the Law on audiovisual broadcasting regarding „the protection of private and family life, of home and correspondence,” „the right to image, the protection of dignity, honor and reputation,” „presumption of innocence and the protection of the right to a fair trial” may be fined between RON60,000 and RON200,000 by CNA.

The same range of fines is provided for violations of article 41 of the Law, which says any person whose interests have been damaged by inaccurate facts presented in a broadcast shall have the right of rebuttal.

Fines between RON70,000 and RON200,000 are provided by the bill for breaches the article relating to the „protection of the interests of minors” – i.e. broadcasting material that „can severely affect the physical, mental or moral development of minors, especially depictions of pornography or unjustified violence.”

TV and radio stations violating legislation on freedom of speech, diversity of views, multiple sources of information and objective reporting, will be fined between RON50,000 and RON200,000.

Breaches of broadcasting laws on „the protection of equality of rights and of chances, non-discrimination according to race, sex, nationality, religion, political views, sexual orientation or social status,” will be fined RON30,000-RON200,000.

The bill also requires TV and radio stations to abide by rules on „transparency of organization, operation and financing,” or face fines between RON10,000 and RON200,000.