Romanian Car Maker Dacia Sees Output At 300,000 Units This Year, Up 23%

Romanian car maker Dacia estimates it will produce almost 300,000 units this year, 23% more than the 242,415 units built last year, general manager Francois Fourmont said at a Friday event marking ten years since Dacia was bought by French group Renault.


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Romanian Car Maker Dacia Sees Output At 300,000 Units This Year, Up 23%

Last year, Automobile Dacia made 242,415 units, up 8.8% compared to 2007. The car maker's Logan MCV and the Logan Sedan accounted for 70% of the total sales, followed by its newest model, Sandero.

Fourmont said he is unsure how many units Dacia will sell to Germany, the car maker’s second largest market, after France.

The general manager added there are no new aspects as regards the state aid Dacia has requested – EUR28 million for the car testing center in Titu, EUR40 million for several of Dacia’s suppliers and a letter of guarantee of EUR100 million for a loan from the European Investment Bank.

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