Bucharest Court of Appeals Suspends Hwy Consultancy Contract Attribution

Publicat: 22 07. 2009, 15:50
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 09:25

The Bucharest Court of Appeal allowed the action initated by the consortium that attended the auction, formed of the companies Search Corporation and Tehnic Consulting Engineering, against the CNADNR and the winner of the auction, Consitrans.

The association said in court that their bid was rejected even though the price offered for this service was lower by EUR1 million. In addition, the consortium’s lawyers said the technical part of the bid was not analyzed by all the members of the CNADNR’s special commission.

On the other hand, the CNADNR said there are multiple criteria for the attribution of an auction, the price being just one of them, but not the main one.

Consitrans won the consultancy contract worth 11.92 million (EUR1=RON4.2356), late June.

The court decided to suspend the attribution of this contract in a ruling that can be appealed in the High Court of Justice. The procedure is suspended pending the trial of the auction’s annulment, which will commence on August 6.

The Medgidia-Constanta segment will be constructed by Italian-German consortium Astaldi-Max Boegl for EUR211 million, and works are set for completion in 2011.