"The standing office made a unanimous political decision, a recommendation for liberal lawmakers – if the Boc government takes responsibility for the Codes, as parliamentary procedure, and tries to pass them into laws without Parliament debates, our lawmakers will call for a no-confidence vote. We are absolutely of the opinion that this is too important matter to be made into law using this procedure,” Liberal Party leader Crin Antonescu said.
He added liberals are not the only ones who think the government shouldn’t rush into the adoption of the codes.
"We are not the only ones of this opinion – as you know, several NGOs, of different political sympathies, raised serious questions and required the very thorough debate of the Codes. We’ve been needing these Codes for a long time, but that doesn’t mean we have to rush them and end up with more damages than positive effects,” Antonescu added.
Several NGOs said Monday they would sue the government this week for breach of transparency rules, as the draft codes were not put up for public debate.