Romanian Commerce Chamber Official Sentenced To 5 Yrs In Jail For Corruption

A Romanian court on Monday sentenced the Commerce and Industry Chamber’s representative for Europe, Magda Tepoi, to five and a half years in prison on charges of embezzlement of European funds and corruption.


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Romanian Commerce Chamber Official Sentenced To 5 Yrs In Jail For Corruption

Prosecutors accused Tepoi of defrauding PHARE funds worth EUR133,000, which she allegedly used for personal purposes, outside the designated project.
Tepoi denied any wrongdoing, saying she only used the money to implement the PHARE project.
Tepoi’s lawyer, Carmen Bernic said Monday that her client will appeal the ruling.
Romania’s Chamber of Commerce and Industry this fall appointed Tepoi standing representative with European institutions.
Tepoi, member of the National Liberal Party, was the Chamber’s liaison with European institutions, in charge with attracting European financing for regional and local projects. 

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