Romanian Competition Watchdog OKs Bere Azuga Takeover By Ursus

Romanian Competition Authority authorized the takeover of local brewer Bere Azuga (BEGY.RO) by Ursus Breweries, part of international group SABMiller, Ursus stated Thursday.


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Romanian Competition Watchdog OKs Bere Azuga Takeover By Ursus

The company also announced that Bere Azuga shareholders elected a new Board of Directors, formed of general manager of Ursus Breweries, Stephan Maria Weber (president), Andrei Haret (member) and Andries de Groen (member).
SABMiller announced end-January its local subsidiary Ursus Breweries has acquired a 70.56% stake in Bere Azuga, in a 30.3 million lei (EUR1=RON4.2197) deal.
The brewer also announced Wednesday that it plans to delist Bere Azura  shares from Rasdaq market and launch a full takeover offer.
Bere Azuga’s former majority shareholder, Valerii Moraru, also owns a 21.35% stake through Rombas Trans International company.
SABMiller owns four beer production units in Romania, through Ursus Breweries.

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