Romanian Democrat Liberals Approve Minister Proposition List
Romanian Democratic Liberal Party’s leadership Friday approved the list of democrat liberals proposed for ministers in the country’s future Government.
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Thus, democrat liberals Elena Udrea, Vasile Blaga, Radu Berceanu, Adriean Videanu, Catalin Croitoru, Orest Onofrei, Mihai Seitan and Gabriel Sandu are the minister propositions the party's leadership approved by vote.
The approved democrat liberal minister list is as follows: Interior - Vasile Blaga, Economy (and Energy) - Adriean Videanu, Transports - Radu Berceanu, Regional Development and Tourism- Elena Udrea, Communications - Gabriel Sandu, Education - Catalin Croitoru, Agriculture - Orest Onofrei, Labor - Mihai Seitan.
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