Romanian Democrat Liberals Select Vasile Blaga As Candidate For Senate Chairman

The Standing Bureau of the Romanian ruling Democratic Liberal Party (PDL), part of the ruling coalition, decided Monday former Interior Minister Vasile Blaga will be the party’s candidate for the position of Senate chairman, people close to the matter told MEDIAFAX.


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Romanian Democrat Liberals Select Vasile Blaga As Candidate For Senate Chairman

Ruling coalition leaders decided earlier Monday to back a common candidate for the position of Senate chairman.

PDL leader Emil Boc said the ruling coalition will have a single candidate for this office.

PDL vice-president Elena Udrea said the one to take over the Senate chairman position will be a democrat liberal. She added that two names have been put on the table so far - Vasile Blaga and Radu Berceanu, and the party's Standing Bureau will make a decision.

It is likely the candidate will be chosen during this meeting of the Standing Bureau, Udrea said.

PDL vice-president Sorin Frunzaverde told MEDIAFAX Sunday evening that the party decided to propose Blaga for Senate president and will present this proposition to the ruling coalition Monday.

Last week, Mircea Geoana was removed from the office of Senate chairman, after being expelled from the Social Democratic Party.

The Senate's Standing Bureau appointed democrat liberal Petru Filip as acting president of the house.

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