Romanian Democrat Liberals Want One Of Their Own As PM, Names Not Said

Romanian democrat liberals are to meet Tuesday evening with President Traian Basescu and propose a democrat liberal prime minister without making any nomination, people close to the matter told MEDIAFAX.


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Romanian Democrat Liberals Want One Of Their Own As PM, Names Not Said

The sources said the Democrat Liberal Party will propose Basescu to assign a democrat liberal prime minister and an alliance with the Hungarian minority party and other minorities is likely to happen.

The sources added democrat liberals will not suggest Basescu any name for the future chief of the Government, as this is the president's attribution.

Democrat liberals take into account the possibility to form majority in Parliament along with the Hungarian minority party (UDMR) and the other minorities, and several Government portfolios will be granted to the UDMR, if Basescu assigns a democrat liberal prime minister.

Democrat liberals consider a Government must be led by politicians and reject the idea of a technocrat Cabinet.

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