Romanian Development Ministry Cut Spending 37%, Savings To Fund Road Building
Romanian Development and Tourism Minister Elena Udrea told lawmakers Tuesday the ministry cut spending by 37% on goods and services even before the Government decided to tighten expenses, adding the saved money would go to road building and rehabilitation projects.
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"We've decided to lower expenses before the Government compelled us. We've halved costs on the car fleet, fuel and phones. On the whole, the ministry's expenses on goods and services have been reduced 37% and the money saved will be redirected to road building and rehabilitation programs," Udrea said.
She added the ministry has also closed several programs that were not useful at the moment and plans to redirect the money saved to investment programs and the rehabilitation of county roads.
Asked whether the ministry is considering restructuring the National Housing Agency (ANL), Udrea said that is out of the question because the agency is building social homes and has a wide housing program for youths, which entails the building of 100,000 homes for youngsters and 10,000 homes for specialists working in rural areas.
The minister added the institution will find ways to video stream public procurement procedures over the internet, to ensure transparency.
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