Romanian Diplomat To Singapore Indicted For Negligent Homicide

Romanian criminal prosecutors opened criminal investigations regarding Romanian diplomat assigned to Singapore Silviu Ionescu indicted for negligent homicide, after being involved in a car accident in Bukit Panjang.


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Romanian Diplomat To Singapore Indicted For Negligent Homicide

People close to the matter told MEDIAFAX Wednesday that Ionescu was heard and took knowledge of the indictment. The Romanian diplomat was charged with killing a Singaporean citizen and hurting other two people in a car accident on December 15, 2009.

The General Prosecutors' Office said in a press release Wednesday criminal prosecutors started on February 2 the criminal investigation of Ionescu charged with negligent homicide, leaving the scene of the accident and false statements.

Romania's Foreign Ministry urged the criminal prosecutors with the General Prosecutors' Office on January 5 to investigate the accident, and sent them the information obtained following internal investigations. The ministry also started the procedures to bring Ionescu back to Romania.

Investigations of diplomats involved in incidents in the countries they were assigned to must be conducted by the country that assigned the respective diplomats.

The police in Singapore said they concluded the investigation of the accident in January.

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