Romania’s President Voted By Over 70% Of Romanians In Italy, Spain, U.S.A, Moldova
In Spain, Basescu obtained 81.1% of the ballots, while Geoana secured only 18.8%.
Basescu got 77.76% of the votes cast by Romanians in Italy and only 22.23% of them supported Geoana.
In the Republic of Moldova, Basescu secured 94.82% of the ballots and Geoana got a modicum 5.17%.
In the U.S.A, 80.21% of Romanians voters backed Basescu and 19.78% chose to support Geoana.
Basescu got 78.92% of votes in France, 71.36% in Germany, 79.48% in Greece and 81% in Canada.
Geoana secured 50% of votes cast by Romanians in Afghanistan and Kosovo. Thus, in Kosovo he got 52.05% of votes and in Afghanistan 57.54%. In Russia, Geoana was backed by 54.93% of the 150 Romanians who cast ballots.
The social democrat leader also gained majority in Albany, Algeria, Angola, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Belarus.
Therefore, 78.86% of the Romanian expats supported Basescu who secured 115,831 of their votes, compared to the 31.045 votes got by his contender.
Romania’s incumbent president Traian Basescu obtained 50.33% of the votes in the second round of elections and social democrat contender Mircea Geoana got 49.66%, according to preliminary results released Monday by the Central Electoral Bureau after counts in 99.95% of polling stations.