Romanian Distrigaz Sud To Ask For 20% Gas Price Hike Oct 1

Gas distributor Distrigaz Sud, majority-owned by French utility Gaz de France, will ask Romanian energy watchdog ANRE to hike gas prices by some 20% on October 1, given that imported natural gas price will continue to increase by yearend, Distrigaz Sud general manager, Bernard Arnaud, said Tuesday.


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Romanian Distrigaz Sud To Ask For 20% Gas Price Hike Oct 1

"We will continue to report losses and we will ask for their recovery as soon as possible. The company reported 80 million lei (EUR1= 3.6475) losses since the beginning of the year and it will keep facing loses. The price of imported gas will definitely continue to increase by yearend," Arnaud said.

Arnaud said the 12.5% natural gas price hike announced by ANRE does not cover the losses reported by the company since the beginning of the year.
ANRE said last week that household gas prices for Distrigaz Sud clients will increase by 12.5% as of July 1.

Distrigaz Sud had previously requested a 22% price hike.

The natural gas household bills will also be invoiced in megawatts hour as of July 1, replacing the current bills expressed in cubic meters, in line with most of European states.

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