Romanian Doctors Should Earn At Least RON5,000 – Health Minister

Romanian health minister Ion Bazac said Friday that the “decent minimum wage” of a doctor should amount to 5,000 lei (EUR1=RON4.2116).


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Romanian Doctors Should Earn At Least RON5,000 – Health Minister

The minister said the medical staff must be motivated to work in Romania, and this depends on both the equipment they have at their disposal as well as the wage level.

Bazac said the doctors who remain in Romania and have outstanding results must be paid like the doctors in the European Union.

“When we discuss the unitary pay law, of course we will talk about a different way to pay the medical staff, and that depends very much on their competence and desire to work. I believe that in the health sector doctors don’t have to get the same pay, but I believe that those who really work and stay in Romania deserve to get salaries similar to those in the European Union,” Bazac said.

He added he is displeased with the current wage level for doctors stipulated in the unitary wage law, but he noted that this law is already introducing an “important differentiation” compared to the current salaries.

Bazac said a decent minimum wage for a doctor would reach RON5,000.

"I think that a 15% hike would bring the wage level of a physician to a decent one, it would near RON5,000. I think this should be the decent basic salary for a physician, to which of course bonuses would be added," Bazac said.

The minister added that as of September 1, Romania will implement the European medical work program and the unpaid vacations for the medical staff are out of question.

“I don’t think we can afford nowadays to determine medical staff to go on unpaid vacations, taking into account the situation of the health system and the necessary existent staff. This was accepted by the Government, the public servants will work less hours, but not the hospitals,” Bazac said.


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