Romanian Education Sector Unionists Protest Against Pact For Education

The members of the “Spiru Haret” and “Alma Mater” Free Unions Federation in the education sector, said they would protest Friday against the National Pact for Education, which they consider "a political means to win over the electorate."


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Romanian Education Sector Unionists Protest Against Pact For Education

Marius Nistor, executive president of the “Spiru Haret” Union Federation, Tuesday told MEDIAFAX that the unionists in the education sector will protest Friday, 11:00 local time, in front of the headquarters of the Ministry of Education, Research and Youth, and then head for the Parliament’s headquarters.
Nistor said the unionists would also conduct an opinion poll, at national level, regarding the current problems in the education system, stressing the results of the poll will be submitted to the political parties “to be taken into account when holding pacts-related debates."
Spiru Haret and Alma Mater Tuesday refused to sign the Pact for Education, stressing the pact only states general principles, and the unionists had not even been consulted before the pact was drawn up.
The Pact for Education was signed last week by Romanian President Traian Basescu and all parliament parities.
The document stipulates that all future actions with respect to the education field will aim at modernizing the system and the institutions in the field, at ensuring a minimum 6% of gross domestic product as well as 1% for research in the field. The document also makes reference to free access to the education system until graduating highschool, and points out the need for financial and curriculum decentralization.
The document’s authors also engage themselves to adopt the Book of Rights and Liberties of the Education System and to try to create a balance between rural and urban education.
According to the pact, permanent education will become the basis of the education system in Romania and will be extended to include each year 12% of the country’s active labor force by 2013.
The stipulations will be applied to the entire education system, irrespective of the language used in schools.

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