Romanian ELCEN Hikes Heating Tariffs By Up To 10% In Bucharest, Constanta

Romanian thermal power producer ELCEN rose the heating tariffs in the capital city Bucharest and the southeastern city of Constanta by 9% and 10%, respectively, as of January 1, following a decision of the country’s energy watchdog ANRE adopted at the end of last year.


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Romanian ELCEN Hikes Heating Tariffs By Up To 10% In Bucharest, Constanta

"The new tariffs cover the current costs, but still remain past losses of over 550 million lei (EUR1=RON4.2265)," the company's commercial manager Irina Duica told MEDIAFAX Monday.

Thus, the thermal power price was raised in Bucharest at RON146 per giga-calorie.

In Constanta, the tariff was raised by over 10%, as the company is also in charge with the transport of thermal power, Duica said.

According to Duica, ELCEN asked ANRE for higher tariff increases as of 2010, mentioning the past losses affect the company's cash-flow so that it lacks funds to buy fuels.

ELCEN Bucuresti is a branch of state-owned power producer Termoelectrica and is the largest heating supplier in Romania.

In 2008, the company ensured around 40% of the national thermal power consumption and 13% of the electricity output.

ELCEN provides heat and hot water to around 600,000 inhabitants in Bucharest and approximately 80,000 people in Constanta.

It owns seven thermal power plants with a total installed power of 2,008 megawatts, of which five in Bucharest, one in Constanta and one at Iernut, in the central county of Mures.

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