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Banks Expect Higher Lending Restrictions For Cos, Population

The banks on the Romanian market expect a tightening of the lending conditions in the following period for companies and population, the head of financial stability department within the central bank Ion Dragulin said on Wednesday.
Banks Expect Higher Lending Restrictions For Cos, Population
21 mai 2008, 14:20, English

"Most of the companies borrowed in foreign currency last year which means they have a great foreign currency exposure," Dragulin said.

At companies’ level, the banks expected a relaxation of lending conditions for the first quarter this year.

However, the monetary policy decisions have tightened lending criteria for companies, as the central bank has repeatedly increased interest rates this year.

As regard lending for population, the banks said that the standards have relaxed slightly but that there are expected tougher restrictions.

Dragulin said that there are expected higher restrictions for lending given for real estate purchases.