Romanian eMAG To Launch Two New Showrooms By Yearend

Romanian IT&C retail website eMAG wants to launch two new showrooms by the end of the year, company marketing manager Radu Apostolescu told MEDIAFAX Tuesday.


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Romanian eMAG To Launch Two New Showrooms By Yearend

"The first of the showrooms, launched early September, will be placed in Constanta (eastern Romania), spanning over 300 square meters, following an investment of EUR50-60,000," Apostolescu said.

The location for the second showroom has yet to be decided.

eMAG targets sales of EUR100 million this year, up 56% from EUR64 million in 2009.

The company posted a 64% rise in sales in the first half of the year, to EUR41 million.

The majority stake in eMAG is owned by Asesoft Distribution.

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