Romanian Embassy In Tel Aviv Received 79 Evacuation Requests From Gaza

Until now, 68 Romanian citizens and 11 Palestinian citizens requested help from Romanian authorities in Tel Aviv, Israel, to be evacuated from the Gaza Strip.


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Romanian Embassy In Tel Aviv Received 79 Evacuation Requests From Gaza

Of those with Romanian citizenship, 63 people received approval from Israeli authorities to exit Gaza, but did not succeed in doing so because of poor safety conditions. However, none of the Palestinian citizens received approval, according to diplomat sources in Tel Aviv.

Romania’s Foreign Affairs Ministry said Monday in a press release that 63 Romanian nationals, with both Romanian and Palestinian citizenship, received green light from Israeli authorities to leave the Gaza Strip, via the Erez border crossing.

The ministry said 55 Romanian nationals (14 women, five men and 36 children) and nine Palestinian citizens requested consulate assistance in leaving the Gaza Strip until Sunday, GMT 1000.  

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