Romanian Environment Minister Korodi Attila has twice refused to sign the government acts hiking three times a registration tax on used cars, arguing the new tax should be enforced by the new executive.
Romanian Environ Min Declines Again To Sign Bill Hiking Car Tax
Korodi said he asked the Cabinet members to delay until January 30 the ordinance hiking the tax.
“The January 30 date I proposed, in case tripling the tax was truly necessary, was not accepted,” Korodi told Mediafax reporters
Korodi said he was discontent with the executive’s refusal and declined to sign the act.
The Romanian authorities on Wednesday decided to delay until December 15 an ordinance hiking three times the registration tax on used cars, following countrywide protests.
The triple tax was decided through a government ordinance last week and became effective Monday.
On Tuesday, Korodi told reporters he is discontent by the haste with which the government decided to triple the car tax without internal consultations or approval from the European Commission and refused to sign the act.
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