Romanian PM Not A Partisan Of Political Crisis – Social Democrat Leader

Publicat: 02 09. 2009, 15:13
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 09:28

Geoana said he wanted to meet with the prime minister and urge him to act responsibility and avoid any political crisis that would have a bad economic and social impact on Romania.

Geoana added he is confident that Boc’s intention is not to split the governing coalition and have the Government overthrown, but to push for laws that would be useful for the country.

Geoana said the Parliament needs time to draw up amendments, which the Government will accept if practical and effective, adding that his message is meant to highlight the need for political stability.

Political sources said the main issue of the meeting was whether assuming responsibility for major laws is a pretext to generate a political crisis. In response to this allegation, Geoana emphasized the importance of giving up political games and focusing on important political aspects.

The sources said the Government will make a decision, during the Cabinet meeting Wednesday, to assume responsibility before Parliament for three packs of laws regarding economic measures, the unitary law regulating wages across the public sector and laws on education. The final text, in which the government assumes responsibility for the respective laws, will be ready in a few days and sent to Parliament, the sources added.