Romanian Ex-Environ Min Calls PM Liar Over Car Tax Issue

Romanian Premier Calin Popescu Tariceanu told an “outrageous lie” when he claimed the authorities will refund the money collected for the tax on car registration, former environment minister Sulfina Barbu said Tuesday.


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Romanian Ex-Environ Min Calls PM Liar Over Car Tax Issue

Barbu, president of the women’s wing with the Democratic Liberal Party, or PDL, mentioned the Chamber of Deputies might postpone adopting a law canceling the car tax.
However, she expressed her “satisfaction” for the Senate’s positive vote on the initiative submitted by the democrat liberals to cancel the car tax.
“The Senate’s vote is a first step for the procedure, but the decisional chamber in the matter is the Chamber of Deputies, which is led by liberal Bogdan Olteanu. In our experience, he will do everything in his power to postpone this project, so that the government will maintain the tax until the end of its mandate,” Barbu said in a press conference.
“Premier Calin Popescu Tariceanu’s statements according to which the government already took steps to refund the money confirm our suppositions. I strongly declare that Tariceanu told an outrageous lie when he said the money collected from the car tax will be refunded,” she mentioned.
The Romanian Senate Tuesday adopted a draft law initiated by the Democratic Liberal Party which cancels the car tax and stipulates the money collected for the tax is to be paid back within 90 days of the payer’s request.
In reply, Tariceanu said the government already solved the car tax issue with the ordinance that introduces the pollution tax for cars.
"The emergency ordinance on the pollution tax for cars also regulates refunds for the tax. The government has therefore taken this step before the Senate,” Tariceanu said.

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