Romanian Ex Political Detainee Ticu Dumitrescu Dies At 80

The head of the Association of Former Political Detainees in Romania, Constantin Ticu Dumitrescu, 80, died Friday, medical sources said.


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Romanian Ex Political Detainee Ticu Dumitrescu Dies At 80


Sources said Dumitrescu was a cancer patient. Ion the past month, he was committed to Bucharest’s Floreasca hospital.
The sources added he asked to be released from hospital Thursday.
Born on May 27, 1928, in Ciumati, Prahova county, central Romania, Ticu Dumitrescu was a notable Romanian figure in the country’s fight against communism and its efforts to disclose the former secret communist police.
Dumitrescu was arrested by the Securitate while he was a Law School student. When release from prison in 1964 along with all other political detainees, he was refused the right to finish his education.
He was a member of the Christian Democartic Peasant’s Party until 1999 and activated as an independent politician until 2003, when he returned to the party.
In 1992 – 1996, Ticu Dumitrescu was a senator and head of the commission investigating abuse. He was the head of the Association of Former Political Detainees in Romania and the head of the International Union of Former political Detainees and Victims of Communism.
Ticu Dumitrescu is the initiator of the Romanian law granting people access to their own record kept by the former communist police, which led to the creation of the country’s College for the Study of Securitate Archives, or CNSAS.


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