Romanian Fin Min: New Forecasts Show 1.7%-1.9% GDP Contraction In 2010
Romanian Finance Minister Sebastian Vladescu on Friday said new estimations indicate an economic contraction of 1.7%-1.9% in 2010, compared with a previous forecast pointing to a stagnation or a minor decrease.
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A more precise figure will be settled until the end of discussions between Romanian authorities and representatives of the International Monetary Fund, Vladescu said.
An IMF mission is currently in Bucharest to review Romania's progress under a EUR13 billion arrangement signed last year.
Vladescu also said the target for the budget deficit remains unchanged at 6.8% of the gross domestic product.
The new estimations are less pessimistic than EBRD's latest forecast, which sees Romania's GDP down 3% in 2010, after a 7.1% contraction a year earlier.
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