Romanian foreign minister Adrian Cioroianu on Thursday urged for an update on the situation of businessman Severin Tcaciuc, internationally wanted on fiscal evasion charges.
Romanian daily “Adevarul” reported earlier Thursday that Tcaciuc, who sought asylum in Austria, waited for four hours inside the building of the Romanian Embassy in Vienna to have his passport and driver’s license renewed.
“Internationally wanted businessman Severin Tcaciuc, who is to serve prison time under three court orders, wanders undisturbed under the noses of Romanian attaches in Vienna,” the paper wrote.
“(…) officially wanted by the Romanian Police through Interpol, Tcaciuc went on March 12, 2008 to the Romanian Embassy in Vienna – Consulate Division to have his passport and driver’s license renewed,” the paper said.
It said the Romanian diplomats failed to recognize Tcaciuc.
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