Romania To See Food Price Hikes If Currency Continues Depreciation

Publicat: 15 10. 2008, 13:32
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 09:05

"Prices will rise if the leu continues to depreciate, as this depreciation directly affects everything we import in terms of food products and raw materials,” Frumosu told a news conference.

The head of the employers’ association in the food industry Romalimenta, Sorin Minea, said that “with the euro going up, food prices will only go up as well”.

The head of the Agrostar union federation, Stefan Nicolae, said [prices for vegetables already increased in September – October by 3-5%.

"This is because domestic-grown vegetables are nearly over, and farmers who still have produce to sell don’t have access to markets. Vegetables now come from imports and are bought in euros," Nicolae said.