Romanian Former Justice Min On PES’ Terrible EP Candidates List

Publicat: 28 05. 2009, 17:35
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 09:21

The foreword to the PES document, which is entitled "Twelve terrible candidates – European Elections 2009", points out that “We criticize not the candidates but their views. We do so because voters have a right to see not only the candidates they can vote for directly, but also their European allies.”

According to the document, the views of the people on the list “will contribute nothing positive to the European Parliament.”

The first on the list is Italian premier Silvio Berlusconi, who the PES says “has been put on trial at least six times over financial matters, and despite being found guilty on three occasions, he was later acquitted or benefited from the expiry of the statute of limitations.”

Romanian democrat liberal Monica Macovei is sixth on the list. She is described as “A perpetual critic of the justice reform pace in Romania after being dethroned as Minister of Justice, Mrs  Macovei is a controversial person. She uses foreign events as an opportunity to criticize her own country and to brand as corrupt opposing politicians. Macovei even said recently that Romania should not receive EU funds anymore, clearly an issue contrary to the country’s interests. She enjoys high EPP support for her positions (this political family has always been a strong critic of Romania), being awarded a ‘Woman of Europe’ title in 2008, for supposed merits relating to justice reform in 2005-2006 (and not 2007 or 2008). The award was given by EPP MEP Rodi Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou, head of AIPFE (International Association for the Promotion of Women in Europe) and handed by Hans Gert Poettering, former EPP Group leader in the EP.”

The PES list includes Derk Ian-Eppink, from Belgium, for his statement that “the life of a white, heterosexual Dutchman with a good job and an expensive car is not easy.” “As he does not belong to any minority group, he is ‘unlucky’,” Derk Ian-Eppink said.

Third on the list is Jaim Mayor Oreja, head of the Spanish delegation to the EPP-ED group. He is criticized for not speaking in a European Parliament plenary session since November 2007 and for refusing to support the Declaration condemning General Franco’s regime: “How can I condemn what represents, without a doubt, a very big part of Spanish society?” Oreja apparently said.

He is followed by Estonian candidate Igor Grazin, for allegedly racist statements against Finnish people and French candidate Brice Hortefeux, who said illegal immigrants are neither “honest” nor “clean”, and for failing to get involved in debates on the economic crisis as Labor Minister.

Swedish Gunnar Hokmark is on the list due to his charges of protectionism against Socialists who were fighting for the protection of workers’ rights, and for saying the EU must not fight against unemployment.

The list includes Czech Finek Hajmon, who voted against the European Parliament’s report on EU future policy on climate change. Slovak Peter Sťastny is criticized for initiating a monitoring group for Slovakia in the European People’s Party, despite the fact that Slovakia has a democratically elected Parliament and a legitimate government.

Polish candidate Marlan Krzaklweski is on the list for his statement ““The [Polish] Constitution is worse than the Soviet invasion.” Hungarian candidate Janos Ader is criticized for comparing the handshake of Prime Minister Ferenc Gyurcsány and Finance Minister János Veres, following the adoption of the budget, to the infamous moment when the then East German President Honecker kissed then-Soviet President Brezhnev on the mouth.

British candidate Nick Griffin, leader of the far-right British National Party, closes the list, having been convicted for incitement to racial hatred and Holocaust denial.