Romanian Gas Bills To Be Invoiced In MWh, As Of July 1

The natural gas household bills will be invoiced in megawatts hour as of July 1, replacing the current bills expressed in cubic meters, Romania’s Energy Watchdog ANRE said Thursday.


Romania's state-owned gas pipeline operator Transgaz (TGN.RO) and all the gas distributors and operators will have to send ANRE data on the gas quantities and thermal values by June 26, the watchdog decided on June 3. 
The two main local gas distributors are E.ON Gaz Romania, the local unit of Germany's giant E.ON, and Distrigaz Sud, majority-owned by French utility Gaz de France.
The two gas distributors have repeatedly urged regulators to raise gas prices by up to 19% on July 1, to cover losses from soaring import prices.

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