Romanian George Pistereanu Wins Best Actor Award At Stockholm Film Festival

Romanian 21-year-old actor George Pistereanu Saturday evening was awarded best actor at the Stockholm International Film Festival, for his leading role in "If I Want to Whistle, I Whistle", the debut feature film of director Florin Serban.


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Romanian George Pistereanu Wins Best Actor Award At Stockholm Film Festival

The members of the jury said Pistereanu convinced them his dilemma was real, and added his performance left them speechless.

"If I Want To Whistle, I Whistle", a prison drama about a teenager's desperate bid to escape, was the first Romanian film in 17 years to be selected for the annual Berlinal Film Festival. The film won the runner-up Grand Jury Prize and the Alfred-Bauer award for cinematic innovation in the 60th edition of the Berlinale.

The feature film is also Romania's proposal for the 2011 Academy Awards in the best foreign language film section.

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