Romanian Government Delays Implementation Of Mandatory Energy Certificate Law Until 2011

The law stating real estate transactions in Romania would require an energy certificate will be enter force as of January 1, 2011, its implementation having been delayed by the Government through an emergency ordinance.


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Romanian Government Delays Implementation Of Mandatory Energy Certificate Law Until 2011

"The provisions of article 13 sections 1 and 2 of Law 372/2005 on the energetic performance of buildings, which state energetic performance certificates must be drafted and made available to potential buyers or tenants by the building's owners, in the case of sale or rental of single-family homes and apartments, will apply as of January 1, 2011," said the act approved by the Government and acquired by MEDIAFAX.

The certificate informs the potential buyer or tenant about the apartment's energetic efficiency, expressed, generally, through the total yearly energy consumption, in kW per hour per square meter, integrating it into an energetic class (from the A- high-efficiency class to the G- low efficiency class).

The Romanian National Union of Public Notaries (UNNPR) announced three weeks ago it requested a delay in application of Law 372/2005, as it would increase the prices of old houses by 5-10% and freeze transactions.

The Romanian Association of Real Estate Agencies (ARAI) said the law would be hard to apply as of January 1, 2010 and requested its implementation be delayed until the second half of next year.

The Romanian Development Ministry said the price of building energy certification does not affect sale price too considerably, because it accounts for an insignificant percentage compared to the rest of the legal expenses related to the transaction.

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