Romanian Government Postpones Cabinet Meeting

Romania’s Government decided on Monday to postpone its cabinet meeting set for the day, during which it was supposed to adopt an emergency decree setting budget caps for the 2019 state budget, and rescheduled it for Tuesday, 14.00 local time, government sources told MEDIAFAX.


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Romanian Government Postpones Cabinet Meeting

According to the sources, the decree required a review from the Economic and Social Council, but the body did not meet in time to have the act ready by Monday.

Social Democrat Party (PSD) leader Liviu Dragnea announced on Saturday that the Government will approve a decree on budget caps, after a similar bill passed by the Parliament was rejected by the Constitutional Court because of erroneous procedure.

The PSD leader also said that the Government will adopt the 2019 budget later this week in its initial form, after President Klaus Iohannis sent the bill back to the Parliament for re-examination.


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