Romanian Govt Approves Draft Education Law

The Romanian Government approved in a meeting Monday the country's new education bill, which it will send to Parliament for urgent debates and approval, people close to the matter told MEDIAFAX.


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Romanian Govt Approves Draft Education Law

The information was confirmed by Education Minister Daniel Funeriu who invited both opposition parties and education unionists to make propositions to improve the draft education law, which will be sent to the Parliament.

Funeriu said he will also attend discussions held in Parliament committees on the draft law, if he is invited.

Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc said at the beginning of Monday's Government meeting he calls on the Parliament to debate the education bill with urgency and adopt it by the end of its current session.

The Education Ministry initially said that public debates on the draft education law would last two weeks but education unionists demanded one month for debates.

The country's former education minister, social democrat Ecaterina Andronescu, on Thursday urged Education Minister Daniel Funeriu to withdraw the draft education law and start new public debates, after Romania's Senate rejected Wednesday the simple motion on education submitted by the opposition parties.

The draft education law triggered protests countrywide and teachers threatened to stage full-blown strikes indefinitely if authorities fail to solve the problems they brought to their attention.

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