Romanian Govt Cuts No Of Jobs In Social Health Insurance System By Over 400

Romania's Government has decided to limit the maximum number of jobs in the social health insurance system to 3,281, over 400 positions less than at the moment, arguing for the need to reduce the risk of a major budgetary imbalance and of being unable to pay salaries.


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Romanian Govt Cuts No Of Jobs In Social Health Insurance System By Over 400

Through a recently adopted ordinance, the Government set the maximum number of jobs in the social health insurance system to 3,281, of which 241 jobs in the National Health Insurance House (CNAS), including its president, and 3,040 jobs in the health insurance houses all over the country.

CNAS president Lucian Duta told MEDIAFAX this August that the number of jobs in the system will be reduced from 3,709 to 3,229, but only 230 of the 480 positions are filled.

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