Romanian Govt Cuts Over 600 Jobs In Public Culture System

Romania's Culture Ministry will cut 600 jobs in public culture institutions, as well as one vacant state secretary position in its central apparatus, as per decisions adopted in the Government's Wednesday meeting, said minister Hunor Kelemen.


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Romanian Govt Cuts Over 600 Jobs In Public Culture System

Kelemen said 553 of the 6,192 positions in institutions funded from two sources have been cut, of which 237 were vacant, as well as 15 positions in self-financed public bodies. The Government will cut a further 70 jobs, in institutions funded exclusively from the state budget, including county culture departments, the Romanian Copyright Office and the ministry's consultancy center.

The minister said the decision was made after consultations with the unions and managers of the affected bodies. The act does not include an appendix listing the exact jobs cut from each institution, leaving this to be decided through a minister order.

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