Romanian Govt Falls If Social Democrats Reject Public Sector Reform – Democrat Liberal

The Romanian Government will fall in September unless the social democrats assume responsibility for reforms and accept reorganization in the public sector, said Vasile Blaga, Secretary General of Romania’s Democrat Liberal Party, on private television channel Realitatea TV.


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Romanian Govt Falls If Social Democrats Reject Public Sector Reform – Democrat Liberal

Blaga said on Saturday evening that if necessary, the money from the second tranche of the IMF loan will go to pensions and wages, on the condition that the Government reorganizes the public sector.

“The condition is to reorganize the public sector. And we will do it,” Blaga said.

Asked what happens if the Social Democratic Party rejects this reorganization, Blaga said the government will fall.

He added the Government will fall if the Social Democratic Party disagrees with taking responsibility for the set of reforms.

Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc on Saturday told the members of the Cabinet that he wants the government to take responsibility for the laws on wages, pensions and education, and thus test the coalition's political will and the parliamentary support  for carrying out these reforms.

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